
Bird News Tuesday 28th January

The Pacific Diver was still at Lough Fea and present until dusk. (Joe Donaldson).

The drake Ring-necked Duck was still at Castle Ward, Co Down (Joe and Tony Donaldson)

A male Brambling was visiting a garden at Pirrie Road off the Belmont Road in Belfast. (Philip West).

1 Black Throated Diver, 1 Great Northern Diver, 2 Shag, 2 Redshank and 6 Oystercatchers were at Cushendall Beach at 2.30pm. The Divers were only 5 metres offshore. (John McKillop).

2 Great Northern Divers were in Glenarm Marina this afternoon. (Iris Millar).

4 Snipe were being spooked by a Buzzard at Balloo wetlands this afternoon. (Lindsay Hodges).

A first-winter Little Gull, Purple Sandpiper, 5 Red-throated and a Great Northern Diver were at Whitehead (Cameron Moore).

Thanks to Iris Millar for the pictures of the Great Northern Diver and to Lindsay Hodges for the picture of the Snipe and Joe Donaldson for the Run-necked Duck and the Pacific Diver:

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