
Bird News Wednesday 22nd January

The Pacific Diver is still present at Lough Fea, Co Tyrone this morning. (Stuart McKee/Philip West).

A Glossy Ibis was in a field beside the heronry (at the back of the village) Killough, Co Down (Tim Murphy)

5 Greenland White-fronted Geese at Knockaginny, Caledon this morning. (Matthew Scott & Michael McLaughlin).

 A walk this morning from Scarva to Lough Shark produced the following birds: - A long flock of finches etc, near the old centre at Lough Shark included 4 Bullfinches, c15 Goldcrests, 20+ Goldfinches, 1 Jay, c20 Lesser Redpoles, 20+ Longtailed Tits, c30 Siskin and 1 Tree Creeper. About 1/2 a mile south of Scrava, close to the large dead tree on the west side of the canal, 1 Water Rail was calling close to the rail track and another was 'singing' at the near side of the canal which flew across the canal to the other bank. (Fulton Somerville).

A Little Egret was at Ballymacormick Point, Groomsport. (David McCormick).

 2 Sandwich Tern, 2 Great Northern Diver and a Red-throated Diver were at Ballyholme Bay (Shane Wolsey).

A possible Great White Egret was seen perched on a roof in Dundonald before drifting off south towards Craigantlet.

Thanks to today's photographers, to Chris Murphy for the picture of the Glossy Ibis, to Fulton Somerville for the pictures of the Bullfinch and the Log-tailed Tit, to Dick Glasgow for the picture of the Jay, to David McCormick for the picture of the Turnstones and to Tom McCreery for the pictures of the Tree Sparrow. You can see more NI bird pictures at




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