
Copeland Bird Observatory - Winter Talk

Tuesday 21st January at 7.30 pm, Ulster Museum

What a load of Rubbish! - the blight of marine litter, presented by Ian Humphreys, Tidy Northern Ireland:
Last summer was memorable for superb weather, Andy Murray winning Wimbledon, and tons of rubbish dumped on our coastline by unthinking day-trippers. Unfortunately, Copeland Bird Observatory is perfectly situated to receive much of the flotsam floating down Belfast Lough. In November, a team of CBO volunteers removed over twenty bin-liners full of rubbish from the island. Ian Humphreys explains some projects that Tidy NI are directing to combat this modern day scourge.  

The birds and wildlife of Kenya a photographic tour - presented by Peter Munro
Peter relates the story of a 2 week Photographic Birds & Wildlife safari in Kenya. Arriving with heavy rains in mid-November - just as a severe 2 year drought ended - Peter was presented with a refreshed landscape teeming with wildlife. His talk will be illustrated with a quite stunning portfolio of photographs of the birds, mammals (big & small), flowers & butterflies he encountered on a journey taking in the Nairobi National Park, Mount Kenya and the Masai Mara.

Admission to CBO winter talks at the Ulster Museum is free and open to all. The meetings  commence at 7.30 pm, and finish at 9.50 pm. Please use the Stranmillis Road entrance.

Blue-breasted Bee-eater - Peter Munro

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