
Bird News Friday 28th February

The Pacific Diver was still at Lough Fea (Chris Ingram)

The Spoonbill was still at Castle Espie.

A single Slavonian Grebe was off Macedon Point and 28 Snipe were using the high tide roost at Whitehouse Lagoon this morning. The hybrid Snow Goose type was still at Glynn in Larne Lough. (David Nixon & Philip McHaffie).

The Glaucous Gull and Ring-Billed Gull were still at East Strand car park in Portrush. Two Red throated Divers were off Ramore Head -both in partial summer plumage and calling to each other. A single Snow Bunting was still at Rathmore Golf Club. Two Great Northern Divers were still in Ballycastle Marina with another two at Cushendun. (Colin Guy).

A Buzzard was being mobbed by 2 Jays in Randalstown forest this morning. (Celine Boyle).

The Glossy Ibis was still at Oxford Island. (Birdguides).

Thanks to today's photographers, to Tom McCreery for the picture of the first Great Northern Diver, to James O'Neill for the picture of the Purple Sandpiper, to 8 year old Aaron Martin for the picture of the Blackbirds, to William Smiton for the pictures of the Black-headed Gull and the Jackdaw, to Colin Guy for the picture of the second Great Northern Diver, to Alex Coroliu for the picture of the Little Grebe, to Alistair Prentice for the pictures of the Goldcrest and the Fulmar, to Christine Cunningham for the picture of the Mallard and to Dick Glasgow for the pictures of the Buzzard, Tree Sparrow and Reed Bunting.




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