
Bird News Saturday 15th February

The drake American Wigeon was at Culdaff Estuary, Inishowen (Adam McClure & Michael McLaughlin)

The adult Ring-billed Gull was at Portrush East Strand car park this morning (Stuart Brangwynne / Neal Warnock)

3 1st w Glaucous Gulls were around Portrush (Neal Warnock)

A probable ferruginous x pochard duck was on Craigavon lakes with a group of Pochard - see pic below (James O'Neill)

Killybeggs had 8 Kumliens Gulls, 9 Iceland Gulls, 8 Glaucous Gulls and a Little Gull (Irish Birding)

110 Sanderling were on the beach at Castlerock (Mervyn Guthrie)

As well as the adult Ring-billed Gull a first-winter Little Gull, first-winter Glaucous Gull and 4 Sanderling were at Portrush East Strand car park (Gerard McGeehan)

A first winter American Herring Gull was at Campbelltown, Argyll - within sight of Ballycastle! (Eddie Maguire)

The Glossy Ibis was showing all afternoon at Oxford Island after flying in from the west in late morning. At dusk it headed out towards the tip of Oxford Island (James O'Neil)

At the Birdwatch Ireland Donegal branch AGM on March 13th, there is a talk by Dr Stephen Newton on the Fame Project, Safeguarding Irish Seabirds. It will be held at the County Museum, High Street, Letterkenny at 8:00pm. Everyone is welcome.

Thanks to Karl Martin for this pic of a Knot and Zach McCreery for the Great Northern Diver. Also to James O'Neill for the hybrid duck and Gerald McNally for the Merlin:

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