
Bird News Sunday 2nd February

Newcastle. Co. Down had a Surf Scoter, 200 Common Scoter and 20+ Great Northern Diver (Ed O'Hara)

The Glossy Ibis was at Ballycarry again (Adam McClure / Paul McCullogh). The hybrid 'Snow Goose' was also in the same field with 30 Greylags.

Derrymacash, Lurgan had the  Glossy Ibis again (M.Hayes)

The Pacific Diver and a Slavonian Greber were at Lough Fea, Co Tyrone

Corbet Lough had 2 Red Kite (Ed.O’Hara)

There was a raft of about 600 scaup, 400 pochard, 200 tufted duck and 50 goldeneye at Ardmore, Lough Neagh. There were also 2 pink-footed geese with the 200 or so greylags at Reedy flat (James O'Neil)

A Short-eared Owl was at Ballyquintin Point and 2 Long-tailed Duck at Ballyhalbert (Richard Weyl)

5 Goosander (one an adult male) were at Lough Island Reavy (Ivor McDonald)

3 Mediterranean Gull (2 adult and a first-winter) were at Loughshore Park (Stuart McKee)

A Sandwich Tern was at Portaferry (Jack Foster)

A Green-winged Teal was at Blanketnook, Co Donegal (Jeff Larkin)

Thanks to Ed O'Hara for the pic of the Glossy Ibis at Derrymacash:

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