
Bird News Wednesday 26th February

A juvenile Glaucous Gull and the usual Glaucous / Herring hybrid were at Enniskillen tip, Co Fermanagh (Brad Robson)

The female Lesser Scaup was still at Dunfanaghy New Lake. Also present were 2 Scaup and a Long-tailed Duck. (Chris Ingram).

There was approx 20 Great Northern Divers and 2 Red-throated Divers close in to the pier in Newcastle, a number of Purple Sandpipers on the rocks at the pier and approx 60 Common Scoter a few hundred yard out. (Fulton Somerville).

2 female Brambling were in a garden at Aghnaleck near Hillsborough (Garry Wilkinson).

The Surf Scoter was still off the harbour n Newcastle. (Birdguides).

Thanks to todays photographers, to Alex Coroliu for the pictures of the Glaucous Gull, Kittiwake and Guillemot, to Dick Glasgow for the pictures of the Raven, the Pied Wagtail and the Tree Sparrows, to Colin Guy for the picture of the Great Northern Diver, to Tom McCreery for the pictures of the Curlew and the Red-throated Diver, to Mark Killops for the picture of the Purple Sandpiper and to James O'Neill for the pictures of the Fulmars and the Coot.



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