
The new Bird Atlas - Part 3

In previous Blog posts about the new Bird Atlas, Shane Wolsey has provided extracts and information about two species showing range expansion in NI - Great Spotted Woodpecker and Little Egret. Another which we are featuring is Blackcap.
Blackcap have increased in numbers during both winter and breeding seasons.  There has been a 77% increase in the number of 10km squares occupied in winter since the 1981-84 Winter Atlas throughout Britain and Ireland.  However, the breeding distribution increase in Ireland since the 1968-72 Breeding Atlas has been an amazing 249%!  The map below shows that Blackcap now breeds throughout Ireland with only very few 10km squares not showing a record:

If you would like to buy the Bird Atlas 2007-11 then follow this link:

Shane Wolsey (with thanks to Dawn Balmer and Simon Gillings)
BTO NI Office
Distribution maps from Bird Atlas 2007-11 which is a joint project between BTO, BirdWatch Ireland and the Scottish Ornithologists' Club. Maps reproduced with permission from the BTO.

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