
Bird News Monday 3rd March.

13 Stock Dove where feeding on a stubble field at Carrickinab, nr Clough.(Adam McClure.)

A Whimbrel was at Donaghadee.(R.Weyl)

Bloody Bridge around lunch time: 25  Red- throated Diver, 5 Black - throated Diver, 10 Great Northern Diver and 5 Purpoise sightings, between Newcastle and Bloody Bridge,16 Red-throated Diver, 9 Great Northern Diver and c100 Common Scoter.(Fulton Somerville)

RSPB Lower Lough Erne reserve had 2 Jack Snipe and 138 Common Snipe.(Brad Robson)

Items for sale....
Complete set of Bird Watching magazine 1988 to present- 315 issues - all in mint condition. Free delivery to anywhere in Northern Ireland. £100 the lot, if anyone interested contact the blog.

Purple Sandpiper - Mark Killops.

Goldfinch - Dick Glasgow.
Pied Wagtail and fly. - Tom McCreery
Purple Sandpiper - Zach McCreery.
Great Northern Divers - Fulton Somerville.


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