
Bird News Saturday 8th March

A Short-eared Owl was still at Ballyquintin Point. (Richard Weyl).

A Brambling was visiting a garden in Carnmoney. (Cecil Smyth).

30 Whooper Swan and a Black Swan were in flooded meadows at Derrygally Way, Moy near The Argory. (Michele Clements).

2 Kingfisher were at Craigavon Lakes (Aidan Donohoe).

The Glossy Ibis, 80 Whoopers and 2 Ravens were in Closet Meadows. The hybrid drake 'Lesser Scaup', 4 Scaup and a Kingfisher were nearby at Oxford Island. Tge Cattle Egret was still at Hillsborough Lake. (Chris and Tim Murphy)

Thanks to today's photographers, James O'Neill, Tony Donaldson, Cecil Smyth, Michele Clements, Karl Martin and Dick Glasgow

Goldeneye - James O'Neill.

Juvenile Spoonbill - Tony Donaldson

Goldcrest - Cecil Smyth
Brambling - Cecil Smyth
Whooper Swans - Michele Clements

Little Egret - Karl Martin
Redpoll - Dick Glasgow
Greenfinch - Dick Glasgow


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