
Bird News Thursday 6th March.

An adult Iceland Gull was seen in flight heading into Whitehouse Lagoon late evening.(Paul McCullough)

The Spoonbill was at the wader marsh, Castle Espie at high tide today

In Donegal a male Smew and Green-winged Teal were off the hide at Inch Lake. A male Ring-necked Duck was at the Causeway (Garry Wilkinson).

A Black Swan was at the Tullylagan River at Tullywiggan outside Cookstown (Tony McCormick).

Yesterday a Long-eared Owl flew across the Strabane/Londonderry Road at Burn Dennett (Hazlett Harkness).

Tree Sparrows - Dick Glasgow.
Wren - Lindsay Hodges.
Curlew - David McCormack.

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