
Bird News Tuesday 25th March.

Two male Wheatears were near Runkerry Head, near Portballintrae today.(Colin Guy)
 A 2nd year Mediterranean gull was at Cockle Island.(R.Weyl)

Milford Reserve Co Armagh had: two Dipper, two Buzzard and a Sparrowhawk.(Peter Guy)

8 Long-tailed Duck where off Seapark,Greenisland.(G.McGeehan)

The Glaucous Gull and Ring-billed Gull were at Portrush East Strand. 21 Purple Sandpipers were at Ramore head. A blackcap was in a garden in Templepatrick, 3 Brambling females in a garden at Aghnaleck. A Peregrine was at the Barmouth and a distant Wheatear. A Great Northern Diver was at Magilligan. (Garry Wilkinson)

3 Bramblings have been visiting a garden off the Brunswick Rd in Bangor for the last week.(Derek Polley) see photo below.

Stonechat - Tom McCreery.

Kingfisher - Cecil Smyth.

Long-tailed Tit - Mark Killops.

Rock Pipit - Karl Martin

Hen Harrier - Dick Glasgow


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