
Bird News Friday 25th April

A Marsh Harrier was at Portmore Lough today. (Ciaran Burns/Anne Guichard).

The Spotted Redshank was still at Kinnegar Pool and 5 Whimbrel, a Mediterranean Gull and a White Wagtail were on Kinnegar shore, a Buzzard was overhead. (Karl Martin/David Nixon)

Swifts have been arriving in Gracehill, Ballymena this morning and a Cuckoo was at Achil Road in Rasharkin this evening. (John Loughlin and Irene Miller).

A Woodpecker was drumming at Peatlands Park. (James O'Neill).
The pair of Ring-necked Duck was still at Mullagh and 13 Ruff, 50 Whimbrel and 20 White Wagtail along the western shore of Lough Beg, a Spotted Redshank was also present. (David Steele).  

A cuckoo was calling at Crockandun viewpoint, Slieve Gallion, Cookstown (Phil Higginson).

A Long-eared Owl flew over the A8 near Loughside Quarry at 9.15pm this evening (Adam McClure).

The first-year Little Gull was at Quoile Pondage and a Carrion Crow at Killyleagh harbour (Warren Fowles).  

At Larne Lough 7 Black-tailed Godwit, 42 Dunlin, 18 Whimbrel and 14 Ringed Plover were at Ballycarry Bridge (Cameron Moore).  

Yesterday 2 Sandwich Tern were at Portballintrae and 2 Common Sandpiper along the River Bush (John Wilkinson).

Thanks to Karl Martin and Anne Guichard for today's pictures.

Spotted Redshank - Karl Martin
Whimbrel - Karl Martin

Marsh Harrier - Anne Guichard
Redshank - Anne Guichard

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