
Bird News Saturday 19th April

Late news from yesterday evening, a male summer plumage Long-tailed Duck was at Reedy Flat, Lough Neagh before flying east with a small flock of Tufted ducks. Also at Reedy Flat were 2 Wheatear, 2 Ringed Plover and drumming Snipe. (James O'Neill)

A male and female Great Spotted Woodpecker were seen in Mount Stewart estate today. (R Graham).

The Green-winged Teal and the adult and juvenile Little Gulls were still off the hide at the Quoile Pondage, 2 White Wagtail and 3 Common Tern were also present. (Garry Armstrong). 

A Common Sandpiper was at Newry Estuary/River this morning. (Frank Carroll).

A Peregrine and 2 Raven were at Carrickarede together with Fulmars, Kittiwakes, Razorbills and Guillemots. An adult Mediterranean Gull was at Ballycastle harbour.(Kevin Kirkham-Brown).

A male Cuckoo and a male Crossbill were at Lough Braden, County Tyrone this morning (Richard Donaghey).

3 Glossy Ibis were at Oxford Island today. (Birdguides).

A Cuckoo was at Belleek (Fionbarr Cross).  

5 Wheatear were at Colebrooke River at Upper Lough Erne (Brad Robson).

The Spotted Redshank was still at Kinnegar Pool. (Stuart McKee/Tom Ennis).

Oxford Island today had 2 Swift and 2 Common Terns. (James O'Neill).

The Spoonbill was still at Castle Espie today. (Tom Ennis).

An adult Iceland Gull was at Fanad Head in Donegal. (Wilton Farrelly).

Thanks to today's photographers, James O'Neill, Lindsay Hodges, Richard Donaghey, Christine Cassidy, Stuart McKee and Karl Martin. You can see more NI bird pictures at

 Dipper - James O'Neill
Sandwich Tern - Lindsay Hodges
Ring Ousel, Copeland Bird Observatory - Richard Donaghey
Sand Martins - Christine Cassidy
 Spotted Redshank - Stuart McKee
Spotted Redshank - Stuart McKee
Kestrel - Karl Martin
Raven Carrying a Mouse - Karl Martin

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