
Bird News Tuesday 15th April

A rufous phase female Cuckoo flew across the Ballygowan Road this evening at 5.00 from farmland into the memorial daffodil garden at Roselawn cemetery. (Chris Shaw).

There were still 100 Whooper Swans at Inch Levels in Donegal, a Common Tern was also present. (Christine Cunningham).

A pair of Chough and a pair of Raven were on the Inishowen Peninsula today. (Christine Cassidy).

A dead Long-eared Owl was at the verge at Killycolp one mile south of Cookstown (David Steele). 

A House Martin was at Aghalee (Brad Robson).  

Yesterday evening 12 Whooper Swan flew into Ballykeel fishing lake (Garry Wilkinson).

A male Cuckoo was calling this morning near Kileter in Co. Tyrone (Richard Donaghey).

Swallows have been widely reported today including in Portaferry, Newtownards, Millisle, Donaghadee and at Inch in Donegal. (Nicholas Sanders, David McCormick, Christine Cunningham) 

The Mediterranean Gull with a white ring E742 photographed by Cameron Moore at Glynn on 8th was ringed at De Kreupel Island in North Holland on 21st June 2012.

A Grasshopper Warbler was reeling at the Newry Canal near Moneypenny's Lock today. (James O'Neill)

Two Glossy Ibis were still at Oxford Island (Birdguides)

A sub-adult Golden Eagle was observed at 4.30pm being mobbed by hooded crows, adjacent to Enagh Road between Slieve Croob and Waringsford, Co Down. Also at least 4 singing skylarks near to path/road leading up Slieve Croob earlier in afternoon. (Andrea Johnston)

Thanks to today's photographers, to Dick Glasgow, Chris Henry, Christine Cassidy, Thon Shannon, Christine Cunningham, Karl Martin,Stephen Maxwell and James O'Neill. You can see more NI bird pictures at

 Meadow Pipit - Dick Glasgow
 Stonechat - Chris Henry
 Chough - Christine Cassidy
 Raven - Christine Cassidy
 Black Guillemot - Thon Shannon
 Shelduck - Christine Cunningham
  Willow Warbler - Karl Martin
Little Egrets - Stephen Maxwell
Grey Wagtail - James O'Neill

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