
Bird News Wednesday 2nd April

At Larne Lough 2 Greenshank, 3 Mediterranean Gull (first-year, second-year and adult), 78 Pale-bellied Brent, 131 Eider, a Whimbrel, 3 Bar-tailed Godwit and 7 Sandwich Tern were at Glynn. The first-winter Mediterranean Gull there on 30th March with a white ring 3EAK was ringed as a pullus at Arnhem in Holland on 28th June 2013 (Cameron Moore).     

2 Chiffchaff were at Hillsborough Park Lake and a Water Rail at the small pool at the far end from the car park (Garry Wilkinson).    

Yesterday a pair of Goosander was along the River Main at Slaght near Ballymena. At Lough Beg 12 Ruff were at Paddy's Dub and 1,800 Golden Plover and 850 Black-tailed Godwit along the western shore (David Steele).

A Black-throated Diver and 800 Common Scoter were off Newcastle harbour, 300 Sanderling were roosting on the beach at Ballykinler, seen from the Murlough side, 4 Sandwich Tern were in the bay and 2 Swallows were at St John's Point. (Oscar Campbell).  

Thanks to today's photographers, to Lindsay Hodges, Andy Dickson and Dick Glasgow.

 Brent Goose - Lindsay Hodges

Sparrowhawk - Andy Dickson  

Hen Harrier - Dick Glasgow

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