
Bird News Sunday 11th May

This morning at Lough Cowey, Outer Ards the Glossy Ibis was seen again. It flew over again, circled high and then drifted off south. (Keith Bennett)

The drake Green-winged Teal was seem again at Castle Espie along with a Mediterranean Gull.

A Great-spotted Woodpecker was drumming in Kilbroney Park Rostrevor, this morning. Also 7 Little Egret were seen at Millbay Carlingford Lough. (Frank Carroll)

5 Cuckoo were at Skinboy Wood, Strabane, Co Tyrone (Brian Hegarty)

A singing male Lesser Whitethroat and 3 Mealy Redpoll were on Rathlin Island (Neal Warnock)

A Crane was at Paddy's Dubh, Lough Beg this morning before flying south east. A drake Ring-necked Duck was also at the Mullagh (David Steele)

2 Long-tailed Duck were still at Greenisland Sea Park and 16 Wheatear at Capanagh (Gerard McGeehan)

Thanks to Keith Bennett for the pic of the flyover Glossy Ibis, Brian Hegarty for the Cuckoo and Karl Martin for the Black Guillemots:

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