
Bird News Monday 16th June

An adult Rose-coloured Starling has been visiting a garden in Carrickfergus (Jean Robson) see picture below, the photo was taken by the owners of the house.

A dark phase Arctic Skua and a Cuckoo were at Thompson's Island in Carlingford Lough. (Shane Wolsey)

The first summer Little Gull was at Kinnegar Pool (Stephen Maxwell)

On Rathlin, 5 Chough ( 2 adults and 3 juveniles) were on the cliff west of Ushet Lough. No sign of the Golden Eagle. 20 Puffins were at the East Light (Colin Guy)

Yesterday a Greenshank was in Killlough harbour and 2 Long-eared Owls in a Killough garden. (Chris & Tim Murphy)

Rock Pipit- Karl Martin.

Buzzard - Dick Glasgow.

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