
Bird News Monday 30th June

At Inner Dundrum Bay late this morning- was the adult Spoonbill, a Little Egret, a Common Sandpiper, at least 10 Whimbrel and 8 Greenshank (Fulton Somerville)

Our kind thanks to Neil Cartmill for the Buzzard. Also to Fulton Somerville for the Spoonbill and to Richard Hunter for the Spotted Flycatcher.

Boat  trip around Rathlin and the Gobbins.

The boat trips around Rathlin Island will commence again this Thursday(3rd July) Friday (4th) and Saturday(5th) The boat will leave Ballycastle at 4pm and the trip will last 3-4 hrs. The cost of the trip will be £30.00.
There is also trips available for parties of 8 or more at a time and date suits them.

There is one more trip around the Gobbins next week, anyone interested let me know which day(Monday to Wednesday). If anyone interested on either trip contact   

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