
Bird News Sunday 1st June

The first summer Little Gull was still at Kinnegar Pool and a Grasshopper Warbler was singing nearby (Wilton Farrelly)

Ballyherly Lough, County Down had 9 singing Reed Warbler.  At Knockinelder Bay 16 were Sanderling. (Richard Weyl)

A Glossy Ibis was at Portmore Lough RSPB reserve. It landed on the scrape below the viewing platform at 2.20pm, flew 2 lapwing fields at sw end of reserve at 2.45pm, then flew high north at 3.10pm. 230+ Swifts were also feeding above the lough. (Tim Murphy)

The Hobby was still at Montiaghs Moss (Nigel Moore)

The Marsh Harrier was at Lough Cowey at mid-day before flying off north (Warren Fowles)

A Brent Goose flew past Cushendall Boat Club today (John McKillop)

Two Corncrake were calling in hay meadows at the Isle of Doagh, Co Donegal (Christine Cunningham)

Gobbins Boat Trips
Based on the weather forecast it is fairly certain that both of the boat trips will happen tomorrow (Monday) and Tuesday evening. They leave at 5.30pm. 14 people are booked so there are still 6 seats available. If you would like to join us on either evening contact Jim Wells on 07856235144

Thanks to Christine Cassidy for this Black Guillemot pic, Nigel Moore for the Portmore Glossy Ibis and Karl Martin for the Red Kite. You can also see mor pics at

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