
Bird News Sunday 8th June

The Hobby was still present at Montiaghs Moss (Keith Bennett)

Two Reed Warbler were singing at Lough Cowey, Co Down (Brian Murphy)

A Curlew Sandpiper was at the south west corner of Lough Beg and a pair of Ring-necked Duck at the Mullagh. (David Steele)

The drake Garganey was still at Portnore Lough (Birdguides).

At least five summer plummaged Sanderling and a Curlew Sandpiper were at Magilligan Point today. (Charles Stewart).

A family part of Spotted Flycatcher and a Kingfisher were at Sion Mills, Co Tyrone. (Brian Hegarty).

Last night a Red Grouse was calling at Clabby Mountain in Co. Fermanagh. (Colin Bell).

Thanks to today's photographers, to Christine Cassidy, Dick Glasgow, Brian Hegarty, Charles Stewart,  Karl Martin and Charles Harkin.

Wheatears - Christine Cassidy

 Hen Harrier - Dick Glasgow
 Hen Harrier - Dick Gkasgow
 Spotted Flycatcher - Brian Hegarty
 Sanderling - Charles Stewart
 Curlew Sandpiper - Charles Stewart
 Peregrine - Karl Martin
 Sandwich Tern - Karl Martin
Whitethroat - Karl Martin
 Gannet - Charles Harkin
House Martin - Charles Harkin

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