
Bird News Wednesday 11th June

A juvenile Great-spotted Woodpecker, was at Belvoir Forest, feeding near the RSPB office (Tim Murphy)

Three Chough chicks have been raised on Rathlin Island (RSPB NI).

A Ist summer Mediterranean Gull was on Swan Island, Strangford harbour and 20 Sanderlings at Minerstown (Chris Murphy).

This afternoon Glynn Station in Larne Lough had 3 adult and a  2nd year Mediterranean Gull and 30 Greylag Geese. (Ian Enlander).

Thanks to today's photographers, Roger Greeves and Noeni Bryars:

 Reed Bunting - Roger Greeves
 Greenfinch - Noeni Bryars
Bullfinchs - Noeni Bryars

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