
Bird News Monday 14th July.

A Fea's Petrel was seen of St John's Point  Co.Down at 17.52 this evening. (Warren Fowles)

The Spoonbill was still at the Quoile Pondage.(Jim Bowman/Denis Carty) see photo below.

A female Garganey and 4 Ruff were in the south-west corner of Lough Beg and the pair of Ring-necked Duck nearby at Mullagh.(David Steele)

9 Common Sandpiper and a Spotted Redshank(going into winter plumage) were at Belfast Harbour Lagoon.(Joe Lamont)

 A  Kingfisher was seen at the pond beside  Castle Espie.(Mark Elliott)

Slightly further afield... a littoris Rock Pipit was at Fanad Head Co.Donegal, large numbers of Manx Shearwater were also noted.(Wilton Farrelly)

Spoonbill - Jim Bowman.
Starling with staining from New Zealand flax.  

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