
Bird News Sunday 6th July

7 Little Egret were at Ballykelly this morning (Christine Cassidy).

An adult Mediterranean Gull was at Hillsborough Park Lake (Ethan Veale/Neil Telfer).

The Cattle Egret was still at Hillsborough in field by the dairy herd at 1430.(Neil Telfer)

 A first-year Little Gull was at Kinnegar Pool (George Gordon).

A pair of Long-eared Owls have bred on Benevenagh Mountain near Limavady. (Jochen Lueg)

Thanks to today's photographers, Neil Telfer, Paul Friel and Edwin Maternaghan:

 Cattle Egret - Neil Telfer
 Mediterranean Gull - Neil Telfer
 Tree Sparrows - Neil Telfer
 Chiffchaff - Paul Friel
Swallows - Edwin Maternaghan

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