
Bird News Wednesday 16th July

The male and female Ring-necked Ducks, 2 Common Sandpiper, 2 Whooper Swans, 4 Pochard and about 50 Tufted Ducks were at The Mullagh, Lough Beg (C Davies)

An adult Med Gull and five Bar-tailed Godwit were at Whitehouse Lagoon. (Adam McClure).

9 Common Sandpiper were at Belfast Harbour Lagoon and 2 first-summer Little Gull at Kinnegar Pool (Stuart McKee).

Two male and one female Siskins  were visiting a feeder in Greenisland. (Anthea Cross).

The Spoonbill was still at the Yacht Club end of the Quoile Pondage, a Little Gull and good numbers of Black-tailed Godwits were also present. (Tony Donaldson).

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