
Bird News Wednesday 2nd July

A Spotted Redshank was feeding with 3 summer plumaged Greenshank at Glynn in Larne Lough. (Adam McClure),

Red Backed Shrike:
An adult male Red-backed Shrike was found during survey work at an undisclosed site in Glenwherry on 24thJune.
Unfortunately, the presence of high numbers of breeding waders, many with small chicks, made access impossible due to the risk of disturbance.
It was hoped the bird would hang around for while and viewing arrangements could be made with landowners following the breeding season. However, the bird was last seen on 26thJune and appears to have moved on. (Neal Warnock).

Thanks to today's photographers, Neal Warnock, Stephen Maxwell, Christine Cassidy, Dick Glasgow, Robin Cunningham and Karl Martin.

Red Backed Shrike - Neal Warnock
 Stonechat - Stephen Maxwell
 Puffin - Christine Cassidy
 Razorbill - Christine Cassidy
 Female Hen Harrier - Dick Glasgow
 Hen Harriers - Dick Glasgow
 Rock Pipits - Robin Cunningham
Fulmar - Robin Cunningham
Meadow Pipit - Karl Martin
Peregrine - Karl Martin

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