
Bird News Wednesday 30th July

Late news for yesterday was that at Bloody Foreland were 2 Cory Shearwaters, 2 Balearic Shearwaters, a Sooty Shearwater and at Derrybeg a juv American Golden Plover. (Chris Ingram)

An hour and a half at Ramore Head produced a pale-phase Arctic Skua. A raft of 200 Manx Shearwater was raised by a Great Skua and a Balearic Shearwater was with them (Stuart McKee)

A Juvenile Mediterranean Gull was at Portrush East Strand car park today
Late news from yesterday was a Juvenile Mediterranean Gull at Briggs Rocks and 9 Common Scoter passing (Colin Guy)

"A conversation with Jim Wells, Chair of the Northern Ireland Raptor Study Group. Recorded for Hen Harrier Day 2014" can be heard at:

Thanks to Ginny McKee for this pic of a juvenile Kestrel at Whitepark Bay and Christine Cassidy for the Kestrel in flight:

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