
Bird News Friday 8th August.

The Cattle Egret was on the island in Hillsborough Lake this evening(18.30) Garry Armstrong.

A seawatch at Melmore Head up until 10:00 this morning produced a summer plumaged Black-throated Diver flying  west close inshore. Also 500 Manxies, 6 Common Scoter and 2 Bonxies, and a Grasshopper Warbler (Oscar Campbell)

There are two seats on the fast boat from Ballycastle to Islay which leaves to-morrow morning(Saturday) if interested contact Jim Wells on 07856235144.

Slightly further afield...A Wood Sandpiper,  4 Ruff where at Inch and 3 Ruff at Blanket Nook Co.Donegal. (Chris Ingram)


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