
Bird News Sunday 31st August

The Little Stint, 6 Curlew Sandpiper and 8 Ruff were at Belfast Lough RSPB reserve this morning. (Ian Graham, Philip West, Gerard McGeehan, Shirley Dunlop).

Two Ruff were at Lough Mourne, Carrickfergus, but there was no sign of the Little Stint this morning. (Ian Graham, Philip West).

At Portmuck this morning a feeding seabird flock had approximately 1,500 Kittiwake, 1,200 Manx Shearwater, 500 auks, 100 Gannet, 1 Great Skua with a minimum 28 Harbour Porpoise. (Ian Enlander).

A Whimbrel was in the lagoon at Ballymacormick Point near Groomsport this afternoon. (David McCormick)

2 White Wagtail were the best at Lough Beg, Co Derry (Richard Hunter).

 4 Pale-bellied Brent, 2 Curlew Sandpiper, a Ruff, 5 Greenshank and 11 Little Egret were at Islandhill at the north end of Strangford Lough (Shirley Dunlop, Gerard McGeehan).

A juvenile Mediterranean Gull was at Ballycastle seafront this afternoon. (Colin Guy).

A Common Sandpiper was at Kinnegar Pool (Joe Lamont)

The Pectoral Sandpiper was still at Blanketnook (Wilton Farrelly)

Thanks to David McCormick for the picture of the Whimbrel.

Willow Warbler

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