
Bird News Wednesday 13th August

Bloody Foreland, Co Donegal today had a Long-tailed Skua, 3 Arctic Skuas, 14 Bonxies and 3 Sooty Shearwaters (Chris Ingram)

Melmore Head this morning (0720 - 1230) produced 1 Cory's, 1 Great, 15 Sooty and 1400 Manx Shearwaters; also 7 Bonxie, 2 Arctic Skua, 2 Puffins and 4 Storm-Petrel. (Oscar Campbell)

Malin Head this morning had a Cory's Shearwater, also Great Shearwater, Grey Phalarope, 7 Sooty Shearwaters and 2 Arctic Skuas (Ronan McLaughlin)

A single late Swift was with a flock ofHhouse Martins over the house in Whitehead, Antrim this evening (Adam McClure)

Kilcummin Head, Co Mayo 05.40-19.00 had a Fea's type petrel 1, long-tailed skua 4, great shearwater 2, cory's shearwater 1, pom skua 2, arctic skua 12, bonxie 20, sooty 20, sabs 2, storm petrel 9, r t diver 2, (Brad Robson et al).

Ramore Head late this evening (after 1945 hrs) had 2 light phase and one dark phase Arctic Skuas. A male Common Scoter was offshore and a juvenile Mediterranean Gull was on the grass area at Lansdowne nearby. (Colin Guy).

Thanks to Noeni Bryars for this pic of a Common Tern feeding young at Belfast Harbour Reserve:

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