
Bird News Wednesday 3rd September

The Little Gull was still at Sandy Bay. (Adam McClure).

3 Buzzard were at Castlerock today including a wing tagged bird which had Yellow E on the right wing and Blue E on the left wing. (Christine Cassidy, Lindsay Hodges).

c800 Swallows gathered to roost along the River Bann this evening north of Coleraine. Also c300 passed south along the river this afternoon. (Richard Donaghey).

Rathlin Island had 1 Hen Harrier,2 Choughs , 2 Blackcaps and a Mistle thrush. Also at Rue Point 15 Bottlenose Dolphins were close to shore. (Colin Guy).

Thanks to Dick Glasgow for the pictures of the Dunnock and the Reed Bunting, to Christine Cassidy for the pictures of the Wheatear and the Buzzard and to Cameron Moore for the pictures of the Little Gull, Mediterranean Gull and Kittiwake.


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