
Bird News Saturday 25th October

A dark morph Snow Goose (young bird) was with 100s of Greylags at Marlfield (N of Portaferry, Outer Ards). (Keith Bennett)

Ramore Head had..2 Great Skua, 1 Arctic Skua, 1Long-tailed Duck, 5 Twite, 10 Purple Sandpiper, 5 Red-throated Diver, 2 Great Northern Diver, 3 Whooper Swan, The Ring-billed Gull still at East Strand car park.(Neal Warnock)

The drake Pintail was showing well at RSPB Portmore Reserve this morning (Brenda Campbell and Robin Brown)

3 Swallows were heading south at Newry this morning. (Frank Carroll)

A Ruff was in a stubble field at Kearney. (Richard Weyl)

Between 9am and 10am 5 Great Northern Divers, 4 Scoter and a pair of Eider passed south. Also 1,000 Goden Plover, 100 Lapwing, 500 Starling, 100 Skylark, 20 Tree Sparrow and 20 Twite at the point. Five House Martins and three Swallows flew south over Downpatrick at 3pm.( Chris Murphy)

Inner Dundrum Bay had a Raven,, Carrion Crow,, Little Stint and 5 Greenshank. Opposite Tyrella Carpark - female Merlin, 2 Red Kite, 2 Raven, Buzzard.

 St John's Point - 5 Gt Northern Diver, 2 Red Throated Diver, Buzzard. Killough to Ardglass - 3 Swallow, Male Merlin, Red Throated Diver, 30 Ringed Plover, Little Egret.( J Whitla, R Hart, M Richardson, F Somerville)

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