
Bird News Thursday 9th October

31 Pink-footed Geese and a first-winter Little Gull flew east in calm conditions at Ramore Head in the morning. 7 Twite and a White Wagtail were on the headland and 49 Purple Sandpiper at Portandoo. The adult Ring-billed Gull was at Portrush East Strand car park (Matthew Tickner)

8 Whooper Swan flew west over Derry towards Inch (Brian Hegarty)

Portmuck Islandmagee this morning  had 800+ kittiwake feeding with 300+ gannet offshore. 2 Red-throated Diver + 1 Black-throated Diver flew south close inshore as did 2 Common Scoter (Ian Enlander)

The Snowbunting was at Castlerock beach, (Christine Cassidy & Lindsay Hodges)

3 Redwings were this morning in Portadown (James O'Neill)

A flock of 10 Redwings flew over Dunmurry this morning at 9.00am, a couple of them calling.  (Chris Acheson)

Two Great Northern Divers flew high near Ramore Head this afternoon.  A single Arctic Skua was chasing Kittiwakes near Dunseverick Harbour (Colin Guy)

Circa 45 Twite were at Ballintoy Harbour this morning including at least 2 colour ringed individuals + 34 Greylag and 8 Whooper Swan in off the sea.  There were also 10 Crossbill in Davagh Forest yesterday (Richard Donaghey)

A second-winter male Hen Harrier, 13 Ruff, 20 Swallow, a White Wagtail and Redwing were at Lough Beg (David Steele)

An adult Mediterranean Gull was at Ballyholme and a Manx Shearwater at Groomsport (Norman Milligan)

St John's Point, 8am-9am, migrating south were: 115 skylarks, 150 linnet, 60 meadow pipit and 25 'alba' wagtails. Seawatching produced 4 manx shearwater,100 razorbill, 20 common guillemot, 1 black guillemot,1 juv artic tern, 4 red-throated divers, 1 scoter, 5 sandwich tern and 200 kittiwake
Killough Harbour in the last few days had 2 Med Gulls and 7 Little Egret (Murphy, Chris Murphy)

Today, Tory Island had 1 chiffchaff,1 blackcap 3+ Yello-Browed Warblers, 2 goldcrest, 40 redwing, 1 song thrush 1 blackbird  and10 brambling (Chris Ingram)

RSPB Belfast Harbour Reserve: As construction work progresses at pace, the roadside hide will be closed from the middle of next week until further notice. The RSPB thanks everyone for their ongoing patience.

Thanks to Christine Cassidy for the Snow Bunting pics and Stephen McMillan for the feeding Black-tailed Godwit:

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