
Bird News Wednesday 1st October

Up to 550 Wigeon (most newly arrived) were at Lough Beg and 16 Ruff at Paddy's Dub (David Steele).  

Boomer's Dam in Lisburn had 68 Coot (a far higher number than usual there), 14 Great Crested Grebe, 27 Little Grebe and 7 Greylag (Davy Brooks).

In Dublin both a Lesser Yellowlegs and a probable Semipalmated Sandpiper were at the Rogerstown Estuary. (Birdguides).

Thanks to Ian Jackson for the picture of the Turnstone, Christine Cassidy for the picture of the Sanderlings and Ringed Plover, to Eric Phillips for the picture of the Dipper and to Adam Middleton and his mum for the pictures of the Brent Goose and the Sparrowhawk.



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