
CBO Winter Talk

Tuesday 18th November at 7.30 pm

Land of the Lemurs – Travels in Madagacar  
The challenges facing the animals and plants on the world’s fourth largest island —presented by Prof. Sue Christie

When Sue and Peter Christie decided to plan a ‘holiday of a lifetime’ to  celebrate their retirements — Sue, as Chief Executive of the Northern Ireland  Environment Link, and Peter as a government biologist — they chose one of the world’s most fascinating but least visited islands, Madagascar. Although five weeks is not long to explore the fourth largest island in the world, Sue and Peter still managed to visit 14 nature reserves, saw 31 species of lemurs, dozens of species of frogs and reptiles, all six endemic baobabs and countless other plants and animals. The  challenges facing this  beautiful land are many, and the solutions are not readily apparent. Join us at the Ulster Museum as Sue presents a pictorial tour of some of the most fascinating and unique animals and plants on the planet, and ponders on some thoughts for their future.

Also — Copeland Bird Observatory: Autumn Report

Join us as we review some of the happenings on the observatory during another busy season, including Barred and Yellow-browed Warblers.

Admission to CBO winter meetings at the Ulster Museum is free and open to all. The meetings  commence at 7.30 pm, and finish at 9.45 pm. Please use the Stranmillis Road entrance.

The Copeland Bird Observatory

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