
Colour ringed gulls update

Adam McClure has sent through details on both colour-ringed gulls photographed by Cameron Moore at Ballycarry yesterday.


Black-headed Gull, 2AFB, is an adult male which was originally ringed last December at Carrickfergus and has been recorded a number of times since, but this is the first time it's been seen away from the ringing location.


The colour-ringed Herring Gull, while part of a project registered in England, was actually ringed on the Copeland Islands earlier this year. This is the first re-sighting of it since. In fact, this is the first re-sighting of any of our birds from Copeland, so we're delighted!


A total of 16 Herring Gulls were colour-ringed in May in the first year of what is an extension to a project already ongoing in mainland UK.


Anyone attending the BTO Conference at Oxford Island tomorrow will hear presentations on both of these projects during the afternoon session.


Any further sightings of colour-ringed gulls are most appreciated and should be sent to Adam who is co-ordinating re-sightings for both projects.

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