
Bird News Friday 12th December

A Kingfisher and a male Merlin were along the main path to the hide at Portmore Lough RSPB reserve. The kingfisher was probably forced out into the open with the drains being frozen over. (Simon Gray).

The Black Redstart was still at Portmuck on Island Magee (Gerard McGeehan).

A juvenile Great Northern Diver, Carrion Crow, Bar-tailed Godwit and 2 Red-breasted Merganser were at Killough Harbour (Tim Murphy).

A Kingfisher was at Lester's Dam, Lagan Meadows, Belfast, this morning, perching on the Reedmace. (Philip McErlean)

Thanks to Philip McErlean for the picture of the Kingfisher, Stephen Maxwell for the pictures of the Lapwing and the Pied Wagtail and to Dick Glasgow for the picture of the Robin.

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