
Bird News Friday 5th December

Yesterday 2 Slavonian Grebe were off the seawall at Myroe. (Hill Dick/Peter Robinson).

3 Waxwing were in trees beside Groomsport Church of Ireland (Billy Miskelly). 

A Buzzard and Shelduck were at Killough Harbour. Yesterday 6 Little Egret, a Sparrowhawk, 220 Dunlin, 140 Curlew, 500 Lapwing and 70 Pale-bellied Brent were there (Tim Murphy).

2 female Goosanders were off Glynn station in Larne Lough. (Neal Warnock).

The Spoonbill was seen briefly on the saltmarsh beside Castle Espie this morning. (Angus Kennedy).

95 Bar-tailed Godwit were at Whitehouse Lagoon this morning (Adam McClure)

A drake Ring-necked Duck was at Durnesh Lough, Rossnowlagh, Co Donegal this afternoon (Brad Robson)

Thanks to Neil Cartmill for the picture of the Dipper, to Angus Kennedy for the picture of the Shoveler and to Dick Glasgow for the picture of Greenfinch's and Goldfinch's at his feeder.

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