
Bird News Monday 15th December

The first winter Iceland Gull was at Ballylumford, Larne Lough (Cameron Moore)

A Peregrine flushed circ 3000 + Golden Plover from the shore  at the floodgates at Newtownards this afternoon (Denis Chambers)

A walk south from Newcastle Harbour this morning had 2 Bottlenose Dolphin, a Black-throated Diver, 2 Great Northern Diver, 200+ Scoter and 13 Purple sandpiper. (Daniel Newton)

4 Purple Sandpiper and a Peregrine were at Portmuck at Island Magee and 3 Red-throated Diver at Brown's Bay (Cameron Moore)

Four Brambling were seen in a field today near Armoy, Co Antrim (Dick Glasgow)

You can view further bird pics at

Thanks to Cameron Moore for this pic of the Iceland Gull and Dick Glasgow for the two Brambling pics:

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