
Bird News Thursday Christmas Day.

Two Sandwich Tern where at Portaferry marina.(John Wilson Foster).
A Chiffchaff was at Oxford Island, it was in the last trees before the discovery centre, Siberian Chiffchaff was not ruled out as a possibility. 2 Ruddy Ducks were in the area. (Keith Bennett).
Yesterday a Jack Snipe and 6 Common Snipe were at Ballyquintin on the outer Ards. (Keith Bennett).
A Snow Bunting was at Slieve Gallion in the Sperrins (John Spratt).
To-day's photo's have been kindly sent in by Stephen Maxwell of a Carrion Crow and the Redshank, Cecil Smyth for the Red-breasted Merganser and Peter Casey for the Kingfisher.


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