
Bird News Tuesday 23rd December

20 Waxwing were outside Parkdene Nursing Home, Fortwilliam Park, Belfast, they came to roost around 4pm. (Ian Enlander).

2 Slavonian Grebe were at Greyabbey Bay in Strangford Lough (Joe Lamont).

Yesterday a large raft of Common Scoter was off Newcastle pier; at the Inner Bay near Dundrum there were 500+ Lapwing, 5 Jack Snipe, 2 Peregrine, a Black Swan and 700+ Brent and a single Skylark. At Tyrella were 2 Red Kite and at least 300 Lapwing. At St John's Point were 500+ Golden Plover, 500+ Lapwing, 100+ Linnet.(Fulton Somerville & Aidan Morgan).

Thanks to Fulton Somerville for the picture of the Stonechat, to Derek Polley for the pictures of the Tree Sparrow and the Linnets and to Jane McLaughlin for the picture of the Collared Dove.

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