
Patchwork Challenge

For anyone interested in working a local patch in 2015 here is a taster from Tim Murphy of his patch in Killough in 2014.

Summary of my 3km squared Killough patch:

A pair of Gadwall turned up in Killough Harbour this morning, perhaps the final addition to the patch year list which now stands at 138, and 117 without the use of a car. The two rarest birds that have appeared on patch were Fea's Petrel and Franklin's Gull, both seen from St John's Point. However, in terms of patch rarity, the clear highlight arrived in late spring and stayed for a few months on Strand Lough, a Coot! Pure patch gold. The target for next year is 150 Species and a male Subalpine warbler! Please take a look at the Patchwork Challenge website and join in next year.

You can find details of the 2015 patchwork challenge at:

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