
Bird News Monday 26th January.

The 1st winter Glaucous Gull was still in Ardglass Harbour. A Great Northern Diver was also present. Two pairs of Stonechats were on Arglass Golf Course. Another pair of Stonechats was on the shore at Coney Island, together with  20 Rock Pipits (no Meadow Pipits),  2 Grey Plovers and a Little Egret.( Chris Murphy)

A Great Spotted Woodpecker was seen in flight and also heard calling in the Stormont estate late this afternoon.(Paul McCullough)

An adult Ring-billed Gull, was at Lurgan Park Lake (Stephen Hewitt).

We have received a request for reports of Great Spotted Woodpeckers, which might seem to becoming familiar yet only began nesting in Ireland (in Co Down) as recently as 2006. They can be heard drumming now as they go establishing their territory and attracting a mate. All reports would be much appreciated.

Also Chris Murphy is doing a "big day" (which involves seeing as many species of birds in one given day) this coming Sunday 1st Feb. If anyone is interested in doing the same he plans to meet at 18.00 at the Hole in the Wall Strangford to compare notes.

Thanks to Paul Allen for this link to his video of the Hobby which was at Brackagh Moss last year:

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