
Bird News Saturday 24th January

In Co Down the 1st winter Glaucous Gull was still at Ardglass harbour. Also the Black Redstart was still at Newcastle harbour. (Keith Bennett)

The adult Ring-billed Gull was at Carrickfergus Harbour (Wilton Farrelly)

The Whooper Swan flock in the Holywood Hills is currently 42 birds (Wilton Farrelly).

The first winter Glaucous Gull was still at Kinnegoe Marina, Oxford Island today. A Pink-footed Goose was with the Greylag flock at Reedy Flats. (James O'Neill).

The first winter Iceland Gull was still at Sandy Bay in Larne, a first winter Kumliens Gull was off the car-park at Glenarm. (Garry Armstrong).

The Green-winged Teal and an adult and juvenile Whooper Swans were at Ballycarry. (Cameron Moore).

Bishopscourt had a pair of Buzzards, 800 Golden Plover, 60 Lapwing, 1 Jack Snipe, 20 Fieldfare, 6 Redwing, 26 Skylarks, 40 Tree Sparrows, 30 House Sparrows, 20 Yellowhammers, 1Reed Bunting, 10 Linnets, 10 Chaffinches and a Stonechat. Another Stonechat and a Sparrowhawk were along Station Rd in Killough. The Ardglass Glaucous Gull moved between the shore at low tide and the roofs of the fish stores on the Downpatrick Rd at high tide. (Chris Murphy)

A Merlin flew over Castle Espie heading towards Strangford Lough and a Little Egret was on the pools by the Brent Hide. (David McCormick).
The adult Mediterranean Gull was along the seafront at Newcastle near the Catholic Church (Leonard Charles).

A Red Kite was at Carrigvale near Dundum Castle (Sean Hennessy).

A Red Kite was on the land side of Tyrella beach as well as 60 Skylark. A Kestrel was at Rossglass and 100 Fieldfare, 50 Golden Plover and Lapwings at St John's Point. 60 Ringed Plover were at Killlough Harbour (David Clarke). 

200 Pied Wagtail were roosting at Antrim Area Hospital (Richard Gray).
Glaucous Gull, Oxford Island - James O'Neill
Iceland Gull, Larne - Garry Armstrong
Kumliens Gull, Glenarm - Garry Armstrong

Ring-billed Gull, Carrickfergus - Wilton Farrelly


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