
Bird News Saturday 3rd January.

The Snowy Owl seen yesterday is an escaped bird, the bird had jesses, still a wonderful sight to see in your garden.

The Sibe Chiffchaff was still present at Oxford Island.(several reports)

A Long-tailed Duck and 258 Scaup where at Dargan Bay in Belfast (Joe Lamont). The adult Ring-billed Gull was at Portrush East Strand. Whiterocks car park nearby had 2 pair of Bullfinch, 4 Song Thrush, 3 Linnet. a pair of Stonechat. Greenfinch, Blue Tits, Robin and Dunnock (all feeding in buckthorn).( David Clarke,/ John Pyper)

A Long-eared Owl was hunting behind Asda, Downpatrick at 6pm (Chris Murphy).

2 Purple Sandpiper were at Skernaghan Point, Brown's Bay and 13 Little Egret at Ballycarry this morning (Adam McClure)

This morning at Llendrum wind farm, Fivemiletown had 1 Red Grouse,1 Golden Plover and 2 Raven. (Colin Bell)

A good count of 80+Skylark where at Orlock Co.Down (David McCormick)

Our thanks to Dessie Loughrey for this lovely pic of a Sanderling. To Stephen Maxwell for the 1st pic of the Siberian Chiffchaff. Also to Nigel Moore for the  2nd Sib. Chiffchaff pic.and Long-tailed Tit and also to Cameron Moore for the Twite, this photo was taken at Ballylumford. Bottom pic. taken by Karl Martin of a Stonechat

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