
Bird News Sunday 11th January

East of Orlock, Co Down was a Snow Bunting in a stubble field with c80 Skylark and a Whimbrel at Orlock point. (Richard Weyl)

The five Long-tailed Duck are still west of RNI Yacht Club, Cultra, Co Down (Wilton Farrelly)

A first winter Iceland Gull was briefly on the beach at Millisle at 2.45pm before flying inland (Guy Hamilton)

The Green-winged Teal was still at Ballycarry bridge along with 7 Little Egret (John Loughlin and Irene Miller)

The Black Redstart was still at Portmuck on Island Magee (Billy Hamilton)

The Spotted Redshank was at Whitehouse Lagoon in Belfast (Gerard McGeehan)

6 Twite were still at Glenarm car park (Pauline Majury)

Late news for yesterday was that the first winter Iceland Gull was still at Larne (Gavin Ferguson)

The Black Redstart was still showing at Newcastle Harbour (Robert Scott)

Thanks to Pete Wedderburn for this pic of Curlew on Belfast Lough and Gavin Ferguson for the Iceland Gull:

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