
Bird News Sunday 18th January

The Slaty-backed Gull was showing well in Killybegs Harbour Co Donegal. this morning (up to 10am, no sign of bird after it though)

The male Surf Scoter was seen again in the bay at Newcastle at 12.30.(Birdguides)

The 1st winter Iceland Gull was still at Sandy Bay, Larne (Keith Bennett)

The Black Redstart was still at Newcastle Harbour (Garry Armstrong)

A male Brambling was at Tullymore and two Red Kite at Ardilea (Wilton Farrelly)

AWhimbrel was at Orlock Point Co.Down.(Derek Polley)

We published a record today of Chough in good faith. The picture was not taken in NI.

Thanks to Richard Gowen and David Hunter for today's pics:

Black Redstart - Richard Gowen.

Robin & Great Tit - David Hunter.

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