
Copeland Bird Observatory Winter talks at the Ulster Museum

Tuesday 20th January 2015 at 7.30 pm - Copeland Shearwaters - 60 years of recording and tracking Manx Shearwaters on CBO.

From metal rings to satellite tracking — the story of the development of the Manx Shearwater colony on Copeland Bird Observatory - Presented by Neville McKee

Neville McKee has been active with the Copeland Bird Observatory – boy and man – since its establishment in 1954. In this special presentation Neville will review how the Manx Shearwater colony on Lighthouse Island, home base of CBO, has grown from a few hundred birds in the 1950s to a nationally important colony of over 3500 pairs today.

Neville will describe how the 60 year Copeland Shearwater study has seen over 32,000 birds ringed and how the astonishing wealth of information obtained has aided our understanding about the life-cycle of these  incredible birds. He will review many highlights including how CBO ringing data proved one bird to be over 50 years old, and why Copeland birds were chosen by Oxford University to participate in state-of-the-art tracking projects.

An astounding local Natural History story— not to be missed!

Admission to CBO winter meetings at the Ulster Museum is free and open to all. The meetings  commence at 7.30 pm, and finish at 9.45 pm.

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