
Bird News Saturday 21st February

Two Glaucous Gulls were in Portrush today, at the car park beside Ramore Head (John Clarke).

The female Goosander still present at Craigavon South Lake. (David Knight).

A male Smew was on Inch Lake in Donegal. (Robin Cunningham).

The adult Ring-billed Gull was still at Carrickfergus Marina. (Birdguides).

A male Hen Harrier flew NE over the Collin Road, Ballyclare at around 4.30 this afternoon. (Thom Shannon).

Thanks to John Clarke for the picture of one of the Ramore Head Glaucous Gulls, to David Knight for the picture of the female Goosander, to Angus Kennedy for the pictures of the Ringed Plover and the Teal and to Robin Cunningham for the picture of the male Smew:



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