
Bird News Saturday 28th February

An adult Ring-billed Gull was off Glynn Station (Neal Warnock)

The Spotted Redshank was again seen at the RSPB Belfast Harbour Estate.(Irishbirding)

The Little Egret was in the stream running alongside the Knock golf club on the N'Ards Road in Dundonald around 10am this morning.(Conrad Watson)

At Inch, Co Donegal were 6 Pintail 2, Gadwall, 2 Scaup, the drake Smew, a 1st yr Glaucous Gull and two 1st yr Ring-billed Gulls.  Blanketnook had a 2nd yr Glaucous Gull along with 3 Slavonian Grebes (Chris Ingram, Theo Campbell and Richard Smith)

Fanad Head had four 1st winter Iceland Gulls, a 1w Glaucous Gull and a 1w Kumliens Gull (Wilton Farrelly)
Barnacle Geese - Christine Cassidy

Male Blackcap - Linda Thompson.

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